The Centre for Research & Dialogue (CRD) is an independent not-for-profit corporation aimed to promote the social, economic & political rebuilding of Somalia. The Centre utilises Participatory Research as a means to facilitate processes of dialogue, consensus building, policy development and institutional capacity building at the national and local levels.
Building One District at the Time Somali peacebuilding from Bottom-up Approach
While much of Somalia is in state of crisis, residence of Bakool Region of South-west of Som alia has done what many regions across Somalia are envious of it. After months of reconciliation and power-sharing among clans, people of Bakool region went to the palls to vote for local and regional authorities including the governor, district commissioners and regional and district councilors. The region became the second region in Somalia to elect its officials through community-based participatory process; People of Bakool exercised what amounts to be a “democracy at grassroots level”. (Read Full Story)
Engaging Women In Peace Building
Somali women utilize their unique traditional role of peacemaking because their linkages to both the clan of their birth and the clan of their marriage enable them to cross clan lines better than men. Their cross-cutting clan identity and broader clan affiliation have enabled Somali women to play crucial roles in promoting reconciliation. There are many cases where local women using their influence across clan lines were able to encourage warring groups to stop fighting and engage in dialogue for peace. (Read Full Story)
CRD is an affiliate of Inter Peace (International Peace Building Alliance) whose Somali program is designed to assist local and national actors as well as the international community in responding more affectively to the challenges of overcoming conflict, preventing its re-occurrence and building a lasting peace in Somalia. It does so by employing an approach that (1) embraces the value of democracy, peaceful change and consensus;
(2) is participatory, research based, and flexible; and
(3) aims at result that are macro-oriented, and consensus-built policy.
The program brings together actors from local and international institutions, civil society groups, private sector, community leaders, local and international NGOs, and external assistance partners in a consensus-based process for the identification and prioritisation of reconstruction and development need, action-oriented research and problem solving, and development of recommendations for improved policy and practices.
The Center also provides a neutral forum for dialogue and to create opportunities to discuss and address development & reconstruction issues of common concern to the Somali Society. The services of the Centre has been utilised by various institutions and some international organizations including the United Nations agencies.
CRD conducts training in interpersonal communication skills, conflict de-escalation and conflict management and also trains trainers whose skills will effect change in individuals, institutions and community through dispute resolution systems design and collaborative problem solving.