CRD is committed to promoting democracy and consensus decision-making at the policy level by encouraging and supporting the participation of citizens in the affairs affecting their lives.
In this regard, the goal of CRD is to empower Somali communities' transition to peaceful change by proving them with a neutral venue to identify their issues and set priorities for response.
Research & Policy Formulation :
To provide a neutral forum for dialogue and to create the opportunity to discuss and address development & reconstruction issues of common concern to the Somali Society.
To facilitate the process to collectively identify, set priorities and formulate policy options for the challenges of development, rehabilitation and rebuilding local communities and national institutions
To assist key stakeholders including; Somali Government, International Community, Donor Agencies, and local actors to better respond to the challenges of re-building the nation by providing them with relevant information on critical issues, seeking consensus on their intervention and facilitating their responses and efforts.
To develop the capacity for independent analysis & research capability that can be utilised by organisations and institutions engaged in the post-conflict reconstruction & development of the Country.
Capacity Building
Management training: The Institute will to provide short courses on Management and Human Resource Development to the middle level Managers, executives and professionals working for the Government, Private sector and local NGOs.
Organisational Development: The Institute provides assistance to the national & local institutions with crucial expertise on appropriate organisational design & structures, improving organisational competence & functioning, and utilising information and communication technologies as a means to effectively manage the institution.
Consultancy Services: We provide direct consultancy on business investment, risk analysis, human resources management and strategic planning to assist organisations meet present challenges and help plan for the future.
Technical Support: The Institute promotes the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce by providing technical support and professional advice in its institutional development.
Conflict Management: To provide training in interpersonal communication skills, conflict de-escalation and conflict management. To provide people with the skills they need to work through their own conflicts. Should assistant be required, communities will also be informed as to the resources available to them and ways in which they can help to enhance communication and conflict management within their own communities.
To provide trainers whose skills will effect change in individuals, institutions and community through dispute resolution systems design and collaborative problem solving.
Engage in facilitation of conflict management
CRD will organise seminars, conferences and specialised training on various topics to the Somali professionals and individuals to raise their awareness and understanding. Specific topics of relevance to the present Somali situation include; Human Rights, Governance & Democratic Development,
Resource Centre
To create a supportive environment for Somali professionals & intellectuals to interact, and network - create intellectual shelter. |
To enhance the capacity of Somali Professionals by providing them with the necessary resources & facilities such as computers, email & Internet, newspapers, etc. and by organising seminars and workshops aimed to improve their skills & Knowledge.